My new site:

TL;DR This site will not be updated anymore. I now write and podcast at

It’s not a coincidence, that the latest post on squeakyvessel is more than 15 months ago. And even then it was more of an event announcement than actual content (btw the workshop was great 🎵).

Because, since that time I started a podcast with the title, where I talk about humans in tech with varying guests. In the latest episode I talk about “Symbolic & Observational Thinking” with Yulia Startsev.

Plus, recently I also started writing on the same site, the first article being about how one can lead without formal authority.

So, if you want to keep up to date with my writing or are interested in listening to a podcast, then head over to, as this site will most likely not be maintained with newer content in a while. 🙂