5 Leadership Hacks

A talk I gave at Entwicklertag Frankfurt on 24th February 2015.

In the talk I describe five practices, that are directly applicable to a wide range of teams and circumstances, which can help you lead others.

After describing those “hacks” I lay down the fundamentals of why those practices work and how you can take your leadership skills to the next level.

Share your own Leadership Hacks

Got some practices, tips that worked well for you? Share them on Twitter with the hashtag #lshacks

Tell me

I’d love to hear from you. Ping me on Twitter, where I’m @benjamin, contact me here on this site

And I mean, no matter if you’ve listened to the talk, or if you came across this page another way. Just tweet @benjamin. Really interested to hear your thoughts on this talk or on leadership in general.


Further Reading

The following are some resources and books that go into more detail in some areas I touched upon in the talk.
